That Good May Become
In the spaces between the daily commute, dirty laundry, & moments of overwhelm, there is a great mystery happening. A spiritual spot in the ordinary. Disrupt materialism and get to know this side of life (and yourself) with Laura Scappaticci, spiritual explorer, mom, and anthroposopher. Each episode includes fun, insightful conversations where we reveal the esoteric and hidden world that’s right here in front of us--so That Good May Become.
Waldorf, anthroposophy, spiritual encounters and experiences, healing, connecting with the dead, and more.
That Good May Become
The Hibernian Mysteries: Summer Book Club Lecture 1
SUMMER WORKSHOP STARTS JUNE 22: Disrupting Materialism: Personal Practices to Help the World
The need to understand what we cannot experience beyond our physical senses is ever present. In the past, people were brought into an understanding of the esoteric, the spiritual, through ritual and deep experiences often guided by teachers. Our 2024 Summer Book Club is focused on one initiation known as the Hibernian Mysteries which took place in Ireland in ancient times. That path is still relevant for us today.
Together we'll walk through the initiation that took place in that time and grapple with the deep concepts that Steiner presents in these three lectures given in December 1923--over 100 years ago. And of course, I'll be a bit silly along the way.
Hibernian Mystery Lectures online
Book: Mystery Knowledge and Mystery Centers: 14 Lectures by Rudolf Steiner, Intro by Andrew Welburn