That Good May Become
In the spaces between the daily commute, dirty laundry, & moments of overwhelm, there is a great mystery happening. A spiritual spot in the ordinary. Disrupt materialism and get to know this side of life (and yourself) with Laura Scappaticci, spiritual explorer, mom, and anthroposopher. Each episode includes fun, insightful conversations where we reveal the esoteric and hidden world that’s right here in front of us--so That Good May Become.
Waldorf, anthroposophy, spiritual encounters and experiences, healing, connecting with the dead, and more.
That Good May Become
Chapter 10: How To Know Higher Worlds ~ The Guardian of the Threshold
Chapter 10 is a little trippy! Meet the Guardian of the Threshold, a powerful being that shows up when you've practiced and practiced and are ready to face yourself.
Your homework: How did these concepts land with you and what do you think happens after death?
Send me your ponderings, thoughts, and pics on @laura_scappaticci or at